>its time for that annual wager. when will the snow banks melt completely?? This year is different from last year because we’ve had over 4x as much snow as last year (we had 16 inches last year – we now have had about 60). Here is one thing to consider — after our most recent “snow event” today, the snow banks at work at taller than me. Pictures to follow. I will try to take one when I leave today. Oh yah, I guess Im posting from work. dont tell anyone đŸ™‚
Put your guesses here. A cool prize to the winner. Maybe something from India since I can only look longingly at the pictures scott posted where its in the 80s…
>My guess is April 29.
>Bun is voting too. He said March 29.
>I may go with July 4th… we just got another 5″ today…