>Sen. Obama in Lansing

>Senator Obama was in Lansing today to talk about his plan for energy
and the economy! My friend and I were able to get 11 tickets so that
we could take a group of youth from the GET City (Green energy
technologies in the city) to see him speak, which was a perfect
topic, since the kids have been studying energy issues all year! And
a couple of kids from our program were interviewed by CBS news so
that was exciting to see!

The day started off with a bang (literally) as we watched a police
car go up in flames. I guess it overheated and it somehow caused a
fire. It was little freaky because the heat of the fire caused the
ammunition in the car to go off and you could hear the ammunition
popping! I was for sure they were going to cancel the event.

then we watched Sen. Obama give a talk on energy issues, primarily
oil independence, climate change, and the role of new energy
technologies in transforming the economy and in global
sustainability. These are issues you all know I care alot about, and
so it was especially interesting to be able to see Obama speak on
these issues.

The crowd was fairly small – about 2500 people so even though we were
close to the back of the room, we felt like we were close to the stage!

Oh and I forgot to add that today is Obama’s birthday so the whole crowd sang happy birthday to him! So while I did not get to shake his hand, I did get to sing happy birthday to him in person!

Go Obama!

One thought on “>Sen. Obama in Lansing

  1. >Those are great pictures! He looks so presidential in them! I bet your students had a fun time. They will always remember it. Crazy car fire!

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